
Hall of Gems

Adrian Tan
Strategist at Institute for HR Professionals (IHRP)

"You can't time the market but you can time when to reach out to leads for maximum response rate [with UserGems]."

SDR & Marketing
Fani Yaneva
Sr Director of Demand Generation

"UserGems is a must-have for a modern demand gen tech stack.

It provides unique type of signals and highly relevant data in a single report, which would typically take weeks of research using the standard prospecting tools out there.

I also love the ability to track attribution & results at any point and how collaborative the UserGems team is. Highly recommend!"

SDR & Marketing
DevOps & IT
Nathan Luebbehusen

"UserGems requires the least amount of effort for the most amount of output. For this year, it's been almost 20% of my sales and it's probably easily less than 10% of my work. It's great. It's punching above it's weight."

SDR & Marketing
HR & Recruiting
Rebecca Pautsch
Strategic BDR Manager at Emburse Chrome River

"UserGems helps me turn cold calls into hot ones. It instantly gives me something to talk about when I call or email the prospect. They have worked with a company who has used our software so they are most of the time familiar with us and what we do"

SDR & Marketing
Rob Kiser
Product Marketing Team Lead

UserGems has given us really helpful insight into which of our past champions are moving to new companies, and helps us identify which ones we want to reengage and hopefully bring Diligent to their new organization.

Our first sale was a past champion who moved to a new company that was not yet in our CRM. So, UserGems not only identified the job change, it identified that account and brought it to our attention. It's definitely an opportunity that we wouldn't have found without UserGems .

SDR & Marketing
Employee Tools
Jeffrey Prothro
Enterprise Business Development & Growth Manager

"Finding a new way to generate pipeline and opportunities is really giving the BDRs confidence and really helping our ability to close in on our goals. With UserGems, we've gotten some pretty big logos already that are really exciting, have brought a lot of roar to our team and higher executives have really gave a lot of kudos and credit to the BDR team.

We're really happy with the trajectory and the partnership. The more opportunities and pipeline we create, the better and happier everyone is.

You'll definitely see a return on investment. I'd say don't hesitate to invest. To be a successful prospecting organization, you have to invest in the tools, and I think User Gems is like essential; one of those tools to really breed success if you're outbounding specifically."

SDR & Marketing
Michael Pontius
Sr Enterprise BDR

"Our team had been using UserGems and getting a lot of traction with prospects + referrals from prospects that weren't within our ICP anymore.

I ended up getting ahold of someone great! UserGems had surfaced this person who would have otherwise flown under the radar. The deal closed a few weeks later (about 50% faster than our average sales cycle).

With a sale AND a quick sales cycle, I definitely would say that's a UserGems Win!"

SDR & Marketing
Content Marketing
Tessa Greenleaf
ADR Manager at Sisense

"A crucial part of an outbound sales stack. UserGems has be instrumental in tracking where our customer base moves, helping my outbound sales team identify very warm leads to reach out to."

SDR & Marketing
Business Intelligence
Drake Danford
Senior Manager, Business Development

UserGems has been an absolute money maker for our company, particularly for BDR teams.

Often times we get caught up in just prospecting great fit customers and go from one company to the next. One thing we never payed attention to in the past is if any of our previous customers now work at the new company we are now prospecting.

In 2 months of focusing on champion/customer moves to other companies, BDR's were able to source ~$200k+ in revenue. UserGems made that possible.

SDR & Marketing
CRM Automation
Adam Shaw
VP Demand Generation

In the past, we had to dig through LinkedIn to find people for new roles and had an inconsistent cadence. It took ~2 hours a month to get new sequences launched. We saw 2-4x higher response rates than other outbound efforts.

As soon as we implemented UserGems' recommended copy, cadences, and sorted contacts into appropriate lists, we saw pipeline ROI within 2 weeks, and are well on our way to our pipeline goal in just 2 months.

Their support team is always quick to respond and help us launch new campaigns. Just follow what they say and you'll be off to a great start.

SDR & Marketing
Employee Tools
Corrina Owens
Senior ABM Manager at Gong

"Just a quick note to let you know we're loving your product here. Finding more ways to embed UserGems into our ABM workflows. šŸ˜Š"

Customer Success
CRM Automation
Jaclyn Krantzler
Enterprise AE

"Before UserGems I would spend hours looking on Linkedin for employees to determine if they came from a customer. UserGems has saved me so much time and serves up the warmest leads on a silver platter for me and my SDR to partner on reaching out to!"

CRM Automation

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