Recommended for
  • For: Sales Development, Account Executives, Marketing
  • UserGems leads are your previous customers
  • Their new role matches your target Persona

1. Send notification via email or Slack to the account owner

Example Slack notification from UserGems:


💎 UserGems: Past champion joined ICP account 💎

Heads up! John Smith, a past champion from PAST COMPANY joined COMPANY.

Now is a good time to see if ACME could be a good fit at their new company.

Reach out with Past Champion > Joined ICP Account sequence.

  • Name: John Smith| New work email | LinkedIn URL
  • Past company:
  • Past title:
  • Past relationship
  • New company:
  • New title:
  • Job started date:


2. Auto-enroll the contact to sequence 



Step 1 | Day 1 | Email

<div class="email-header">
<div>Congrats, {First Name}!</div>


Hi {First Name} - Congrats on landing your new role! 

We miss working with you at PAST COMPANY, but I'm sure COMPANY is beyond stoked to have you on their team.

I wanted to send over a small Congrats gift to give you an extra boost for some quick wins this quarter!



Step 2 | Day 16 | Email

Hi {First Name},

Saw that you were pretty familiar with ACME at PAST COMPANY. Curious if you'd be open to sharing your experience with us?

A quick refresher: ACME helps [include a relevant customer story]

[Optional: insert a video explaining your value prop/mini demo]


Ps - If you missed the gift I sent before, here's the link again.



Step 3 | Day 20 | Email

Suggested framework:

  1. Intro: Insert humorous GIF or meme of your choice
  2. Messaging: Wondering if ACME could also be of help at COMPANY? [include a personalized reference to how your company helps a similar company]
  3. Value add: share a piece of content that is relevant to their new position
  4. CTA



Step 4 | Day 27 | Email

Suggested framework:

  1. Subject: ACME at {company}
  2. Intro: Not sure if you're feeling the same pain PAST COMPANY had before they brought on ACME
  3. Problem Statement: The pressure is high to keep pumping out opportunities despite the market. Doing more with less is expected.
  4. Solution: We’re turning job changes into revenue. 
  5. CTA with offer: Send you the playbook? 



Step 5 | Day 27 | Call
Step 6 | Day 27 | LinkedIn Follow or Connect



Step 7 | Day 32 | Email

Hi {First Name},

Have you had a moment to think about ACME? Hoping you can give me some pointers like:

If/how ACME could be relevant to COMPANY's 2023 goals?

Maybe an introduction to [insert decision maker's name], looks like they head up DEPARTMENT.

Or even just some feedback on my outreach?

I'm all ears.



Step 8 | Day 32 | LinkedIn Interact with post
Step 9 | Day 32 | Call



Step 10 | Day 35 | Email

<div class="email-header">
<div>Need a hand?</div>


Totally get that you are busy in the new role. Just trying to gauge your interest on [your value prop] and if we can be of help. 

Is it the wrong time or there's no interest?



Step 11 | Day 37 | Call



Step 12 | Day 40 | Email

Suggested framework for a value add email:

  1. Set the subject, opener statement
  2. Problem statement
  3. Give value, i.e. expert advice
  4. Share supporting content piece
  5. Conversation provoking questions



Step 13 | Day 40 | LinkedIn Interact with post



Step 14 | Day 47 | Email

<div class="email-header">
<div>Did I overstep?</div>


Hey {First Name} -- hope that I didn't overstep your bounds. Since we were in touch while you were at {Past Company}, thought it made sense to reach out. 

I'm getting the feeling now is not the best time to connect? Hope I didn't blow all our rapport with you.

Leaving you with [add helpful company resources]

Let me know if I can ever be of help to you -- ACME related or not.

Take care,


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