It’s here! You can now bring your own intent signals into UserGems! We’re making it easy to bring your intent data, enrich these intent accounts with the right people, and add automated workflows for successful Account Based Marketing (ABM).

This capability helps sales teams become more targeted and win more deals. Before we dive into how this new capability works, let’s walk through intent data and why intent tools aren’t enough on their own. 

What is Intent?

There are lots of providers who offer intent data. 6sense and Demandbase are popular choices. These platforms are great foundational tools that help sales and marketing teams discover the most likely to convert accounts. They inform you when your potential buyers actively research your product via search keywords or visit your website.

By incorporating intent into your Account-Based Marketing and Account-Based Selling strategies, you can identify the best opportunities.

However, intent tools alone aren’t enough to drive results. They surface valuable data, but without actionable steps behind these intent signals, your sales team faces a black box.

Why intent tools aren’t enough on their own

Intent tools alone aren't enough to drive results because they can only give sales teams a company to target (i.e. account info). Reps do not know which individual person at that account is actually displaying intent. This means reps waste time manually researching contacts on LinkedIn and in outdated databases like ZoomInfo. Essentially, your reps are guessing.

The main problem is that your reps don’t know who to target, and they also don’t know what to say when they find a contact. Intent tools don’t give reps any context or reason to reach out, which means your reps are cold-outbounding intent accounts.

In a best-case scenario, your sales team is actively researching intent accounts, has found a couple of likely persona-matching contacts, and sends a non-personalized outbound email. It’s almost impossible for them to maintain the high volume of consistent follow-up activities needed to convert a lead into an opportunity. Plus, impossible to ensure that  they’re reaching out to enough contacts at the account to cover the buying group (i.e. “multi-threading”). Without automation in place to assist them, even this herculean effort to use intent data goes to waste, else intent data is not much more than cold prospecting.


  • Reps don’t know who to contact
  • Reps don’t know what message to reach out with
  • Reps can’t easily create a high volume of consistent follow-ups
  • Reps aren’t reaching out to enough people at the intent account

UserGems Signal Platform

The way UserGem helps revenue teams solve this is by combining intent data from your external or internal tools with UserGems’ signals, specifically the people signals like Past Champions, New Hires & Promotions, Customer Referrals, or Multi-thread.

Stacking intent with person signals gives reps a reason to reach out that is timely, personalized, and more likely to result in a conversion.

How it works

Adding signal-based outbound to your intent data is easy in UserGems. This is how you can start creating workflows for your intent data in UserGems:

1. Activate a new signal in the UserGems signal library

Go to the signal library to get started. UserGems has standard integrations with 6sense and Demandbase. If you have a different type of intent, like an account scoring tool, like MadKudu, we can import that to UserGems too. 

Choose the Account-level Intent widget that best suits your needs.

2. Upload intent data

Next, you’ll be asked to upload your intent data to UserGems. 

You can do this in Salesforce by creating a dynamic report for accounts that hit a specific intent stage. If you have 6sense, for example, create a report of accounts that hit  ‘Decision’ or ‘Purchase” stages.

You can choose to upload your intent data in one of three ways:

  • Upload Salesforce report
  • Upload from Google sheet
  • Upload CSV

3.Building your audience

After uploading your intent data, you can customize your audience. Think of the uploaded intent data as your contact pool. This is where you can stack UserGems’ people signals on top of your intent data to be selective about who you target.

Your sales teams are probably using outdated databases like ZoomInfo, 6sense sales solution, or Demandbase to research contacts by buyer persona. 

Instead of wasting time manually searching for contacts to add to the buying committee, UserGems can surface the buying committee based on buying signals and buyer personas. 

Essentially, UserGems identifies the best contacts for your intent accounts. And it will do it using up-to-date contact information!

UserGems also highlights relevant people signals such as: 

  • is this person your Past Champion, or
  • Is this person a New Hire or Promotion, or 
  • which Customers today can refer you to this high intent account

UserGems does not just white-space your contact list for an intent account. It’s going to prioritize and recommend the best contacts so that your team can create personalized outbound messaging.

4. Add signal-based selling workflows

Once you’ve identified your audience it’s time to build a signal-based workflow. These workflows work similarly to others in UserGems, but are layered on top of your intent data.

You can set up multiple workflows to run automatically in the background. Options include:

  • Past champion
  • New hires
  • Promotions
  • Multi-threading (i.e. missing prospects that are usually in your buying group)

These workflows will execute according to your buying group definition, size, and priorities.

5. Attach an action

Next, we add an action. These actions help sales reps turn intent data into a tangible Account Based Selling process. An action can take the form of an outbounding sequence,, or an email or Slack alert to the internal owner.

By attaching an action using a workflow, reps can automatically begin working the best contacts with a clear reason to reach out. It also creates consistency and ensures that the entire buying committee is reached out to.

Click here to learn how to use the Workflow Builder!

Bring your intent to UserGems

Layering UserGems on top of your account intent means we fill in the buyer committee using specific signals like job changes, potential referrals, and additional relevant buyers at these accounts. 

Then you can use workflows to automate the next steps so your team always knows who to reach out to and has a good reason why to do so. This supercharges your signal-based GTM with UserGems!

Are you ready to plug intent data into your Account Based Selling process? Let’s chat!

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