SAN FRANCISCO, CA, December 3, 2020 -- Christian Kletzl, CEO and Co-founder at UserGems, joins Enterprise Radio to share how B2B companies can generate more revenue by following their customers and buyers when those contacts change their jobs to new organizations.

Listen to the interview HERE

In this conversation, Christian discussed:

  • How UserGems was initially built
  • Results that UserGems' customers see from tracking their customers and buyers' job changes
  • How marketers use UserGems data to generate bigger pipelines
  • What sales and marketers should consider as they plan for 2021

Christian is CEO and co-founder of UserGems, a software that helps B2B marketing and sales teams reach buyers that matter most for your business, such as: your previous customers that changed jobs to new organizations, or new executives that just joined your target accounts.

Christian is a software engineer turned sales. Even though most of his days are spent with customers and prospects, he still applies an engineering mindset to sales processes to optimize and achieve more with less. Prior to UserGems, he was at Google, Microsoft, and McKinsey.

Christian holds an MBA and Master of Engineering Management from Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management.

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