UserGems testimonial from Hall of Gems
UserGems testimonial from Hall of Gems

At UserGems, we prioritize understanding our customers — how they’re using our pipeline generation tool, their experience with it (good or bad), and their thoughts on how we can improve it.

To this end, we decided to take a look at their UserGems product reviews to see what they like most (and least) about our job change tracking software.

Of the 90+  UserGems reviews we collected from trusted sites like G2, we found ease of use, automation, quick return on investment, and proactive customer service as leading reasons why people love our tool so much. 

But it wouldn’t be an honest overview if we didn’t talk about the three features they think could use some work. 

Find out what real UserGems customers have to say about our software below to help you decide whether it’s worth adding to your pipeline generation toolkit.

5 features customers love about UserGems

At the time of writing this, UserGems has an overall rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars with most customers giving us a 4- or 5-star rating.

And based on their reviews, we learned the following are user-favorite features:

  1. UserGems "delivers true, concrete ROI on day one"
  2. UserGems makes a "very manual process more automated"
  3. UserGems saves customers at least "30 minutes" a day
  4. UserGems' customer support is "top-notch"
  5. UserGems is "easy to roll out and use over time"

1. UserGems "delivers true, concrete ROI on day one"

Quick return on investment (ROI) came up as the most appreciated UserGems feature.

For Ben Loeffler-little, a former VP of Sales, UserGems’ ability to turn in fast results makes the tool, “one of the most valuable solutions we have added to our go-to-market tech stack in the last two years.”

Andrew P. makes a similar point, “During my first batch of [UserGems] outreach, I was able to book 7 opportunities which greatly helped me hit my KPI.”

And Anna shares: “It sounds so simple but every month [UserGems] gives me at least 2-4 SOLID leads on average to follow up with, and if I can get even one of them to close I’ve made a significant dent in my quota.”

An anonymous G2 reviewer also goes on to write, “We quickly generated more leads than we could handle and booked more revenue than the annual cost in the first month.”

If you’re interested in digging deeper into the results that UserGems drives for sales teams, we recommend checking these stories:

Or you can watch Gar Smyth, VP of Revenue Marketing Operations, Mimecast, chat about their ROI timeline after implementing UserGems...

2. UserGems makes a “very manual process more automated”

A handful of customers applaud UserGems for taking manual work off their plates.

Sharing “UserGems has given us a new customer base that we previously couldn’t tap into,” Hannan H., a senior sales manager, highlights how UserGems has improved their ability to reach out to past best customers.

An anonymous G2 reviewer also notes, “[UserGems is] making an extremely manual process into a seamless experience for finding out any past-users of your product. This has given me warm leads into several new businesses that I wouldn't have otherwise known to target.”

Yet another verified G2 reviewer points out, “[…] because we have a large customer base, tracking who changes jobs was very manual and frankly, not every rep remembers to do this regularly — meaning we probably missed a lot of opportunities, especially with folks who switch from hands-on to a decision-making role. Now, we can simply go to our SFDC and all of the UserGems (job changer) leads are there, updated monthly.”

3. UserGems saves customers at least “30 minutes” a day

Tatsue S., shares in this G2 review, “I love how it takes hours of client/prospect research and distills it into a single, easy-to-use salesforce report. It’s gotten me several meetings and brought business into the company.”

Ethan Dagenais, a Commercial Account Executive (AE), agrees, “UserGems is saving me time each morning, and when that gets added over a week or even a month, it becomes hours’ worth of time that I’m now redirecting into more strategic thinking/planning.”

4. UserGems’ customer support is “top-notch”

Several UserGems reviews also appreciate our customer success team.

A Vice President of Demand Generation, Adam S. advises in this G2 review, “[UserGems’] support team and resources make using the product a breeze. Just follow what they say and you'll be off to a great start.”

Plus, in this review, Dwight Richards, VP of Sales goes on to say, “UserGems' support is also top-notch.”

Want to learn more about how to get the most out of UserGems? These playbooks are great examples of the resources we create to actively help our customers make more sales.

5. UserGems is “easy to roll out and use over time”

UserGems’ ease of set up and use also came up over and over in the reviews we studied.

In his G2 review, Brendan F., for example, points out “the API is so easy to use (the integration took minutes)” while sharing that the sales intelligence tool provides far more data on job changes than UserGems alternatives do.

Another reviewer echoes the same: “[UserGems] is easy to roll out and use over time.”

In fact, Brian LaManna, a Commercial Account Executive at Gong shares, “From a prospecting sense, this is solving one of the most difficult parts of my job with literally zero effort on my end.”

And here's more from Brian LaManna, an AE at Gong on closing over 25% of his quota through UserGems...

And David H. outlines, “We were effectively live a week after signing our contract and two very straightforward implementation sessions with much of it on cruise control.”

3 UserGems features users like the least

We’re stoked to share that most reviewers share something along the lines of there’s “Nothing much to dislike,” or “So far, I have no issues, super easy to use and alerts go straight to BDR’s!”

But during our search, we did find a couple of reviews that highlighted potential areas of improvement. And because we want you to make an informed decision, we’re going to share them with you.

1. Lack of depth in the dashboards

So far, two reviewers mentioned that they’d like to see more information in their UserGems dashboards.

One said that “The UI of the dashboards could be a little more comprehensive in terms of the insights.”

And another said, “The dashboards could use a little work, but those are secondary.”

Our Product Marketing Manager, Justine Wares, however, shares we’re currently re-doing the dashboard’s entire user interface.

In Justine’s words, “We’re re-doing the entire UI so that it’s not visually overwhelming. After we’re done, it’ll look completely different from what it does today and functionality wise, it’ll give you: 

  • Better output management and filters to before sending job changes 
  • A job changes page where you can build reports and automations will be fully customizable for each customer based on what fields you want to see/care about 
  • Team overview of owned job changes and activities 
  • More insight on the number of activities per job change 

And the reports will give you improved: 

  • ROI break down per rep
  • Opportunity creation per rep
  • Breakdown of what type of opportunities UserGems leads are on 
  • Top accounts UserGems leads are joining 
  • Top accounts UserGems leads are leaving 
  • Show UserGems leads joining open opportunities” 

2. UserGems pricing is a little costly

A single customer said they think UserGems’ pricing is a little steep for certain businesses.

The GetApp reviewer shared, “The pricing is too heavy for start-ups and mid-tier market players.”

However, another G2 reviewer notes UserGems is “[…] cheaper than the competitors.” 

What’s more, the ROI UserGems delivers for revenue teams makes the investment well worth it. Our data science team analyzed over 5,000 sales opportunities and discovered that previous champions impact win rates by 114%.

You can watch the full video here if that's your thing...

But you don’t have to take our word for it. Instead, see what Drift’s Sales Manager had to say:

3. Data is outdated at times

Three customers said the data they receive is occasionally outdated or vague. 

Matt A. for example, noted, “Most data is super prompt, but some data lags a few months or longer, or never appears.”

Josh M, also pointed out, “Sometimes the information can be a little out of date or vague, for example you might reach out to someone tagged as a former customer who was part of an entirely different team, it’s not perfect!”

However, another reviewer who has encountered the same issue writes, “UserGems can be not that accurate sometimes but most the emails we get from them are functional with a 90% accuracy rate!” 

While we agree the data isn’t 100% accurate, we do guarantee (based on actual customer data comparison tests we’ve done) we’re providing more data accuracy than alternate tools.

For example, our research shows that from a pool of 9,000 folks, LinkedIn Sales Navigator gives you 1000+ false alarms and misses 500+ job changes. This means you’re missing out on 18% of the warm leads. In comparison, UserGems gives you 4,000 accurate and relevant warm leads.

Similarly, a UserGems vs ZoomInfo comparison, found that you get 14,000 accurate and relevant leads out of 100,000 contacts with UserGems. ZoomInfo, however, gets only 4,500 or fewer relevant leads paired with 1,700+ false alarms while missing 10,000+ job changes.

Who is UserGems a good fit for?

UserGems is a pipeline generation tool that enables you:

  • Know when your best buyers, previous customers, users, and prospects move to new companies
  • Monitor target accounts for promotions, new hires, and capture the buying account for sales multithreading

In doing so, it gives your sales reps warm leads to reach out to — alumni customers who have already used your tool and would likely be open to using it again, and new hires and promoted employees who are looking to invest in helpful tools in their first 100 days.

This pipeline generation tactic — focused on warm outreach to close more deals — works best for those who are:

  • Already using LinkedIn Sales Navigator to track customer job changes but want to scale the process. In that case, UserGems will give you more relevant leads, without adding to your sales representatives’ workload.
  • Selling a product that takes a lot of education. With UserGems, you can reach out to people who are already familiar with your tool and save a ton of time spent educating them from scratch.
  • Investing in account-based marketing so your sales and marketing teams can work together. UserGems will speed up lead generation as well as shorten your sales cycle.

 However, you likely won’t find UserGems helpful if you:

  • Aren’t taking a relationship-building approach to B2B sales.
  • Aren’t focusing on generating pipeline 
  • Don’t need to worry about warming leads

Before you invest in a pipeline generation tool like UserGems, be sure to review your sales approach and business needs.

UserGems will fit in nicely into your workflows if you’re already focused on engaging leads on social media and/or running account-based marketing campaigns.

And, if your reps are already tracking customer job changes — albeit manually, you can automate the process using UserGems. This way, your sales team can focus more on nurturing prospects than on finding their new job titles.

The best part? Companies in different stages of their growth use our tool — from startups to large enterprises. In fact, our users include some widely known SaaS names such as Workramp, Lattice, Gong, Drift, and UserTesting.

Want to join their ranks to grow your revenue? Book a UserGems demo today.

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